Posts in Productivity
Going Mobile For Small Businesses

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: August 22, 2014
in: Business , Productivity
More and more businesses are finding that mobility is the key to their growth and success. Forbes says, “Mobility combined with cloud computing is changing business – to make it more immediate, more relevant, and more intelligent.” From the minute you wake up, you can be connected to your business just as if you were in the office. Technology can take your business to the next level...
Read MoreHow to Choose the Right Technology for Your Business

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: April 11, 2014
in: Business , Productivity
Many folks may start the process of buying new technology with the wrong questions. For instance: “Should I get a computer or some kind of mobile tablet thing?” or “Where should I look for the computer?” or “Should I buy a Mac or a PC? Apple or Android?” While it’s true that there are several things to consider when introducing new technology to your business environment don’t make the mistake of trying to decide which device to buy, before you understand the need to be filled...
Read MoreCutting the Electronic Dead Weight

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: September 4, 2012
in: Productivity
Sometimes when you’re in a good routine, you might not be able to objectively see some of the unnecessary habits and products you’re clinging to. Let me help. You may be able to get rid of some office equipment to reduce office clutter. Or you may be able to cut down on the hassle of repairing and replacing old equipment. Here’s a roundup of some traditional office equipment that you should probably recycle...
Read MoreMicrosoft Joins the Tablet Scene

Posted by: RFX Staff
on: June 26, 2012
in: Life , Productivity
Christmas came early for Microsoft fans last week with the announcement of two Microsoft tablets. Of course, with a few months to go before the tablets' release, Christmas might be right on time. The Surface for Windows 8 RT, similar to the iPad, should hit the shelves with Windows 8 in a couple months. You'll have to wait a little longer for Windows Pro, which is more comparable to an Ultrabook. Only time will tell if the Microsoft Surface can loosen the iPad's grip on the tablet market, but in the meantime, let's check out some of its great features...
Read MoreStaying Organized with Apps

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: May 29, 2012
in: Productivity
Lately I’ve been choosing to procrastinate by downloading and setting up to-do apps. Once I get one organized with my priorities for the upcoming week, I decide to put off those priorities another hour by researching, downloading and organizing a new app. I tend to have a short attention span for apps, so here’s what has caught my eye lately...
Read MoreMaking the Most of Your Time with Podcasts

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: May 8, 2012
in: Productivity
Stop and think about how much time you spend in the car each day: on the way to work, stopping at the drive-through to get coffee, going to lunch, creeping home through traffic. The time can add up and start to feel like time wasted. Thankfully, there are all kinds of free podcasts available so you can be entertained and educated while waiting at the stop light. Here are some recommendations for business-related podcasts...
Read MoreCollaborating with Microsoft SharePoint 2010

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: April 24, 2012
in: Productivity
With busy schedules and more employees working remotely, it seems increasingly difficult to have a one-on-one discussion with your coworkers and keep everyone up-to-date on important company information. One of our favorite collaboration tools to keep everyone on the same track is Microsoft SharePoint 2010. SharePoint has six primary features that can be customized to fit your business’ needs...
Read MoreKeeping Up With New Technology

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: March 6, 2012
in: Productivity , Technology
A couple weeks ago my mom purchased an iPad 2. She called me a few days later, sighing, “They're about to release an iPad 3.” (Sadly, she did not seem interested in my offer to take the iPad 2 off her hands so she could go get herself the iPad 3.) One of the more frustrating aspects of technology is that as soon as you make the financial investment in a new product, it can take only hours before it's outdated. Here are some tips to keep you from getting left behind in the technology arms race...
Read MoreVirtual Meeting Rundown

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: January 25, 2012
in: Productivity
As our communication options continue to expand, gathering together in the same room to have a meeting is becoming increasingly unnecessary. A variety of online options are now available to join conference rooms across the street and around the world. Here are some of the most popular options for video conferencing today...
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