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Get Out of Your Chair

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: February 21, 2012
in: Life
There's nothing quite like opening the website of your favorite news source and learning that your job is slowly killing you, but I've read a lot of articles lately about the dangers of desk jobs. The main threat seems to be the ill effects of sitting. Even if you work out regularly, if you spend the bulk of your day sitting, you will likely still struggle with slower metabolism and weight problems. It might seem like a hopeless cause, unless you're interested in a career change, but there are several alternatives to sitting from 9 to 5...
Read MoreIT Support: Why Be Proactive?

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: February 20, 2012
in: Security
Today in The Wall Street Journal, there was an interesting article about Nortel Networks, who recently discovered Chinese hackers had been downloading confidential documents from their computers for nearly a decade...
Read MorePresentation Matters

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: February 7, 2012
in: Life
Whether it's for a new client, old client, potential client, or for internal use, speaking in front of an audience isn't the easiest thing to do. Even after years in the field, many still find it to be a nerve-racking chore. Especially if you don't have a professional designer on your staff, there can be a lot of pressure to craft an impressive digital show. But you don't need to worry. Here are some helpful tips to guide you through your next presentation...
Read MoreVirtual Meeting Rundown

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: January 25, 2012
in: Productivity
As our communication options continue to expand, gathering together in the same room to have a meeting is becoming increasingly unnecessary. A variety of online options are now available to join conference rooms across the street and around the world. Here are some of the most popular options for video conferencing today...
Read More4 Ways to Keep Smart Phones from Compromising Business Security

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: January 4, 2012
in: Business , Security
Malicious software for smartphones is on the rise, especially during the holidays. As mobile users increasingly use one smartphone for personal and business use, smartphone security is becoming an important business concern. Once compromised, hackers can use a smartphone to get behind corporate firewalls and wreak havoc on your business's Wi-Fi. With more and more consumers shopping on their smartphone, the smartphone becomes an increasingly lucrative prey...
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