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Going Mobile For Small Businesses

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: August 22, 2014
in: Business , Productivity
More and more businesses are finding that mobility is the key to their growth and success. Forbes says, “Mobility combined with cloud computing is changing business – to make it more immediate, more relevant, and more intelligent.” From the minute you wake up, you can be connected to your business just as if you were in the office. Technology can take your business to the next level...
Read MoreBusiness Backups 101

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: July 21, 2014
in: Business , Security
Imagine a guy in a short-sleeved button-down shirt and tie sitting at a desk near a large computer. Every hour, an alarm sounds and he takes a tape out of a tape backup system and replaces it with a new tape. Using a felt tip pen, he makes a careful note on the outside of the tape with the date of the backup and the number of the tape so that, if the data ever has to be restored, the tapes can be used in the proper order. This guy might spend hours on this task every single night just to ensure that the company he works for always has a good and current backup of their critical data...
Read MoreRFX Technology Opens Nonprofit Services Division

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: May 12, 2014
in: Rfx
RFX Technologies is doing what it can to give back to nonprofits in the metro Louisville area. In addition to company representatives helping organizations through board service and lending their expertise at no cost, the company has gone a step above in its effort to help others. Beginning in January 2014, Bart and Adam, the two senior partners leading our organization, opened the Nonprofit Services Division of RFX Technologies...
Read MoreHow to Choose the Right Technology for Your Business

Posted by: Bart Bushong
on: April 11, 2014
in: Business , Productivity
Many folks may start the process of buying new technology with the wrong questions. For instance: “Should I get a computer or some kind of mobile tablet thing?” or “Where should I look for the computer?” or “Should I buy a Mac or a PC? Apple or Android?” While it’s true that there are several things to consider when introducing new technology to your business environment don’t make the mistake of trying to decide which device to buy, before you understand the need to be filled...
Read MoreTraining: A Necessity In A Technology Support Provider

Posted by: Crystal Christy
on: January 21, 2013
in: Business , Rfx
By the time you finish reading this article 1,080 hours of video will have been uploaded to YouTube, 347 domain names will have been registered, and IBM, Microsoft, or Samsung will likely have applied for at least one patent. Additionally, it took radio nearly 38 years and television over 13 years to reach 50 million people; however, it took only four years for the World Wide Web to accomplish the same feat. Furthermore, it is estimated that by 2016 over 10 billion mobile devices will be connected to the Internet...
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